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The enormous data proliferation and growing technological complexity continue to change how businesses function and compete. The generation of 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day over the past several years has created 90% of the data in the world. This exponential expansion and storage, often known as “big data,” opens up possibilities for the gathering, handling, and analyzing of both organized and unstructured data.

Organizations employ data and analytics to get vital knowledge to guide better business decisions, adhering to the 4 V’s of big data (volume, velocity, variety, veracity). Several industries have embraced big data, including health care, financial services, marketing, and technology. As a result, the competitiveness of sectors is continuously redefined using big data. 

Big data analytics have been increasingly embraced by the financial services industry, mainly to help make informed decisions on US investments with reliable returns. If you want to know how to make an investment portfolio from India, also note that algorithmic trading maximizes portfolio returns by combining extensive historical data with sophisticated mathematical models. The future of financial services will unavoidably change as long as big data is adopted. Despite its apparent advantages, big data faces considerable problems in terms of its capacity to capture the growing volume of data.

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